Our Products

Agricultural products

Leather Products

Handicrafts products

Coming products

Some important Points of exports products


Purchase order or Letter of Credit

between Exporting country’s exporter and overseas buyer of goods.


Certificate of Origin

issued by competent authority of origin country of goods. certificate of origin main important part.


Insurance Certificate

issued by the government authorized insurance service provider. Govt check insurance


Certificate of Free Sale

goods are not commercially involved, a certificate of sale is attached by exporter along with goods dispatched

Why us

Some Key points of export business

Benefits of Exporting Products or Services to Grow Your Business

Trust and Quality

We prioritize trust and quality in everything we do. We are committed to delivering superior products crafted with meticulous attention to detail, adhering to stringent quality control measures.


We celebrate creativity as the essence of our handicrafts. Our artisans weave their imagination and skill into every piece, creating unique and captivating products that showcase the beauty and diversity of Indian artistry.

Happy Customers

we are dedicated to ensuring the utmost satisfaction of our customers. We go the extra mile to understand their needs, provide personalized service, and deliver exceptional products.


Quality is our topmost priority at Survival Exports. From sourcing the finest materials to employing skilled craftsmen, we are unwavering in our pursuit of excellence.

Meet the Founders
Nishant Mishra

Expertise in business development

Mitesh Shekher

Expertise in manage exports from other countries

What Customers say
Survival Exports Pvt. Ltd. is a strongly positioned export firm holding a well-established global network built with a decade of experience in the industry. We use the strength of this network to become and make you a prominent part of the global market.
Ramona Altenwerth

Best Exports company in Noida

We build trust of our customers to providing relevant and quality of products